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Foundation of public interest

The Audiovisual Foundation for Arts and Design (La Fondation Audiovisuelle pour les Arts et le Design), is a foundation of public interest which received the support of  the King Baudouin Foundation.

It is based in Brussels. This is the first foundation which has planned to create its own multimedia channel, (TV, Web, Mobile), independent and international, "Arts & Design Channel"


The Foundation



"Guy Ferrer,  de la matière à l'Esprit" Teaser) )
Lire la vidéo
Série Terra Artistika,
"Guy Ferrer, from matter to Spirit"

12mn, 4k

Sélection officielle:

  • Classical Arts Film Festival, Napa, California

  • FIFA, Montréal  Canada

"Stéphane Erouane Dumas"  Teaser
Lire la vidéo
Série Terra Artistika,
"Stéphane Erouane Dumas"

12mn, 4k

Oficial selection :

  • Marché International du Film sur les Artistes Contemporains (MIFAC), Le Mans, France.

Jephan de Villiers, Veilleur du bord du monde. Trailer
Lire la vidéo
Série Terra Artistika,
"Jephan de Villiers,
Watcher from the edge of the world"

12mn, 4k

Our last production

Our Goals


acces to Art

Promoting the visual arts (painting, sculpture, drawing, comic's, photography, video art, digital art and more generally all forms of artistic expression that produces objects essentially perceived by the eye), applied arts, decorative arts , design, and architecture,


Allowing the greatest number of people to have access to art and culture through the use of multimedia technologies and the creation of its own media channel (TV, web, mobile ...) independent and international, dedicated to art and culture and based on the values of education, transmission, openness and knowledge sharing,


Establish an international  memory bank of audiovisual cultural programs around the visual arts, applied arts, decorative arts, design and architecture for future generations.

Our Values

4 Reference values


Awaken to disciplines and professions, decrypts the history of humanity through art, informs and teaches in having fun.



Immersion into the international contemporary creativity, invites to discover the artistic cultures of the different continents.



Contribute to the preservation of the cultural and artistic memory, preservation of heritage and the transmission of knowledge.



Highlighting new talent, encourages vocations, causes cultural events and supported by its action the development of the ecosystem around visual arts.



Rue du congrès 35, 

1 000 Brussels, Belgium

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© 2016 Fondation Audiovisuelle pour les arts  et le Design

  Audiovisual Foundation for Arts and Design

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